Minds Matter Boston

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Minds Matter Students Return from Another Successful Summer

No chance for summer slide at Minds Matter! This summer 53 of our sophomore and junior students enrolled in summer programs across the US and abroad. These experiences will allow our students to take college-level courses, explore new cities, and meet new people along the way. Read below to find out about Weiner’s transformative summer in Argentina:

One of our seniors, Wiener Douyon, spent the summer in Argentina participating in a language immersion program. Initially, it wasn’t easily for Weiner to adapt to unfamiliar culture and new language. Volunteering with a local orphanage allowed him to step outside of his comfort zone and adopt a positive outlook on his trip. He says, “I am now more open to building relationships instead of permitting first impressions to influence connections and memories that could be made; this trip has given me a new perspective on life along with the motivation to continue my path towards my dreams." Stories like Wiener’s are the reason for why we do the work we do. Welcome back to all of our mentees returning from their summer programs!