Minds Matter Boston

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Letter from Our Executive Director: Election Results

Dear Minds Matter Community Members,

Tuesday’s election marked the end of a historic campaign, the rhetoric of which was marked by divisiveness. The election left many of us wondering “what next?” What will the future of America look like? How can we, a divided nation, begin to heal?

Minds Matter’s mission is based on the power of education. Above all else, we emphasize that all students deserve the opportunity to go to college, no matter their race, religion, country of birth, or family income. This election exposed the ugly fact that many Americans view those who are different from themselves with suspicion and fear. Education can help us bridge our differences and bring us together through understanding and respect. As leaders of Minds Matter, we believe that education has the power to move us to healing, and America needs that right now.
During session this Saturday, leaders from Minds Matter Boston and our local Boston community will run workshops to allow us to reflect individually and as a group on what this election season means to each of us and how we can move forward. It is important that we listen to each other, respect each other, and seek out positive ways to harness our concerns and frustrations. At the conclusion of each workshop, we will distribute a list of relevant resources to the students in our Minds Matter community. Further, many of our organization’s leaders plan to stay after session on Saturday to support anyone who needs some extra time to talk.
Mentors and mentees, you are leading this nation in a positive direction through your commitment to working with each other and your commitment to creating a brighter future for all.


Rachel Kanter, Executive Director
Mollie Barnard, Vice President of Programming